Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

Control Program Of PLC

The control program is a software program in the PLC’s memory. It’s what puts the control in a programmable controller. The user or the system designer is usually the one who develops the control program. The control program is made up of things called instructions. Instructions are, in essence, little computer codes that make the inputs and outputs do what you want in order to get the result you need. There are all different kinds of instructions and they can make a PLC do just about anything (add and subtract data, time and count events, compare information, etc.). All you have to do is program the instructions in the proper order and make sure that they are telling the right devices what to do and voila!…you have a PLC-controlled system. And remember, changing the system is a snap. If you want the system to act differently, just change the instructions in the control program. Different PLCs offer different kinds of instructions. That’s part of what makes each type of PLC unique. However, all PLCs use two basic
types of instructions:
• contacts
• coils
Contacts are instructions that refer to the input conditions to the control program—that is, to the information supplied by the input field devices. Each contact in the control program monitors a certain field device. The contact waits for the input to do something in particular (e.g., turn on, turn off, etc.—this all depends on what type of contact it is). Then, the contact tells the PLC’s control program, “The input device just did what it’s supposed to do. You’d better check to see if this is supposed to affect any of the output devices.”
A contact is a computer code that monitors the status of an inputÉ ÉA coil is a computer code that monitors the status of an output. Coils are instructions that refer to the outputs of the control program— that is, to what each particular output device is supposed to do in the system. Like a contact, each coil also monitors a certain field device. However, unlike a contact, which monitors the field device and then tells the PLC what to do, a coil monitors the PLC control program and then tells the field device what to do. It tells the output device, “Hey, the PLC just told me that the switch turned on. That means that you’re supposed to turn on now. So let’s go!”

Central Procssing Unit of PLC

A PLC basically consists of two elements: the central processing unit and the input/output system the central processing unit (CPU) is the part of a programmable controller that retrieves, decodes, stores, and processes information. It also executes the control program stored in the PLC’s memory. In essence, the CPU is the “brains” of a programmable controller. It functions much the same way the CPU of a regular computer does, except that it uses special instructions and coding to perform its functions.
The CPU has three parts:
• the processor
• the memory system
• the power supply
The processor is the section of the CPU that codes, decodes, and computes data. The memory system is the section of the CPU that stores both the control program and data from the equipment connected to the PLC. The power supply is the section that provides the PLC with the voltage and current it needs to operate. The input/output (I/O) system is the section of a PLC to which all of the field devices are connected. If the CPU can be thought of as the brains of a PLC, then the I/O system can be thought of as the arms and legs. The I/O system is what actually physically carries out the control commands from the program stored in the PLC’s memory. The I/O system consists of two main parts:
• the rack
• I/O modules
The rack is an enclosure with slots in it that is connected to the CPU. I/O modules are devices with connection terminals to which the field devices are wired. Together, the rack and the I/O modules form the interface between the field devices and the PLC. When set up properly, each I/O module is both securely wired to its corresponding field devices and securely installed in a slot in the rack. This creates the physical connection between the field equipment and the PLC. In some small PLCs, the rack and the I/O modules come prepackaged as one unit.
All of the field devices connected to a PLC can be classified in one of two categories:
• inputs
• outputs
Inputs are devices that supply a signal/data to a PLC. Typical examples of inputs are push buttons, switches, and measurement devices. Basically, an input device tells the PLC, “Hey, something’s happening out here…you need to check this out to see how it affects the control program.” Outputs are devices that await a signal/data from the PLC to perform their control functions. Lights, horns, motors, and valves are all good examples of output devices. These devices stay put, minding their own business, until the PLC says, “You need to turn on now” or “You’d better open up your valve a little more,” etc.

why we use PLC

The softwiring advantage provided by programmable controllers is tremendous. In fact, it is one of the most important features of PLCs. Softwiring makes changes in the control system easy and cheap. If you want a device in a PLC system to behave differently or to control a different process element, all you have to do is change the control program. In a traditional system, making this type of change would involve physically changing the wiring between the devices, a costly and time-consuming endeavor.
For exsample :
LetÕs say that two push buttons, PB1 and PB2, are connected to a PLC. Two pilot lights, PL1 and PL2, are also connected to the PLC. The way these devices are connected now pressing push button PB1 turns on pilot light PL1 and pressing push button PB2 turns on pilot light PL2. LetÕs say that you want to change this around so that PB1 controls PL2 and PB2 controls PL1. In a traditional system, you would have to rewire the circuit so that the wiring from the first push button goes to the second pilot light and vice versa. However, because these devices are connected to a PLC, making this change is as simple as making a small change in the control program.

In addition to the programming flexibility we just mentioned, PLCs offer other advantages over traditional control systems. These advantages include:
• high reliability
• small space requirements
• computing capabilities
• reduced costs
• ability to withstand harsh environments
• expandability

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Function block in the ladder diagram.

First Rung Place a function block in the ladder diagram.
1. Choose Data Move from the box on the left side of the Compact Function Toolbar. The listbox will become populated with the Data Move Functions.
2. Choose MOVE_WORD from the listbox, click the Function Drop Mode button , and move the cursor into the ladder diagram. A small function block icon will appear next to the mouse pointer.
3. Place the MOVE_WORD instruction in the diagram underneath the rung you created earlier by clicking in this location. Notice that this automatically becomes Rung 2 in the margin. Press the Escape key.
4. Wire the power flow input of the function to the power rail using the point-to-point wiring method.
5. Click in the grid block next to the IN input on the MOVE_WORD function. A gray box will appear next to the input.
6. Type 16#A01 and press Enter. You have just entered a hexadecimal constant as input to the function. The same convention is followed for octal and binary numbers (8#, 2#). You do not need to type a 0 in as a placeholder.
7. After hitting Enter, the gray box moved over to the space next to the Q output. Type REG_1,1R and press the Enter key. The name and address are added to the VDT.
8. Next, double click on the function block. The Function Properties Dialog Box appears. Enter the desired length (and for other functions, the address) and click OK.

Insert a row and drag & drop.
1. Insert an empty row between the Rungs 1 and 2 by right clicking on the MOVE_WORD function and selecting Insert Row from the context-sensitive menu.
2. Highlight the function block by clicking on the space to the left of the block and dragging down and to the right. Make sure the entire block and connected values are highlighted, including the constant 16#A01 and the output Reg_1. Release the mouse button.
3. Place the pointer back in the highlighted area and click and drag. When the function block is in the desired position, release the mouse button. The entire block has been cut and pasted into the new location.
4. Note that similar results can be achieved by highlighting an area and then right clicking and choosing Cut and then moving the cursor to the new location, right clicking, and selecting Paste. Or, you can use Ctrl + C
and Ctrl + V to cut and paste the highlighted elements.
5. Save your work: Select File, Save All or press Ctrl + Shift + A.

Insert a comment.
1. Click in an area below Rung 2.
2. From the Insert menu, select Comment. A comment line will appear in the area where the cursor was. This is automatically named Rung 3.
3. Double click on the comment line. A scroll box will appear.
4. Type in your comment, hitting enter when you want to create a new line. When you want to exit, press Ctrl + Enter to leave the comment window. Your LD program should be similar to the one shown below.
Note: To change the comment display format, select Tools, Options and choose the Brief or Full option on
the General tab.

Compile the program and navigate to errors
1. Insert a few contacts without naming them and a few function blocks without assigning lengths or inputs or outputs
2. Select Folder, Check Block _MAIN. This compiles the folder and brings up the Information Window. If the Information Window is too small, place the cursor on the edge of the window and
click and drag to enlarge it.
3. Scroll through the Information Window to see the errors. To navigate to an error, place the cursor on the error text and double click. The area where the error occurred will be highlighted in the
Ladder Editor window.
4. Fix the errors and check the block again. When there are no more errors, the Syntax Check Summary in the Information Window will show “Total errors: 0.”

Creating New Blocks
You can create new objects in the folder by right clicking in the Folder Browser and picking the appropriate menu item from the File menu or the context-sensitive menu.
Note: If you are using a Series 90 Micro PLC or Series 90-70 PLC, which do not support Instruction List subroutines, you will want to skip Lessons 7 and 8. You can continue with lessons 9 and 10.

Create an Instruction List block.
1. Right click in the Folder Browser and select New, Subroutine, Instruction List from the context sensitive menu. The Create New Instruction List dialog box will be displayed.
2. Name the new block and type in a brief description of the block. Click OK. An Instruction List editor window for the new block will open.
3. Set temporary variables for the IL block. Select Edit, Properties, Variable Table. Select the Temporary Variables radio button. In the Boolean Address Start field, type 1T (or %T00001). In the Integer Address Start field, type 500R (or %R00500). Click OK.

Place a call to your new block in the _MAIN program.
1. Open the _MAIN program. (If the _MAIN program is already open, select it from the Window menu. If it is not open, double click the _MAIN-LD block in the folder browser.)
2. Click the Call button in the Ladder Toolbar and then click in the ladder diagram below the comment you created in Lesson 6. Press Enter. The Call function block will appear as follows.
3. Press Enter and select the new block from the list box that appears.

Creating ladder logic diagram using Versapro

The ladder editor in VersaPro is a free form editor that allows you to place elements in different rungs, assign names and addresses when convenient, and then check and compile the program all at once or block-by-block. The editor also includes common Windows features such as undo, copy/paste, and drag and drop.

Place, name, and assign addresses to Boolean elements in the ladder diagram.

1. Make sure that the VDT is visible. If not, select View, Variable Declaration Table, or press Alt + 3.

2. If the MAIN.blk Ladder Diagram editor window is not open, double click the _MAIN-LD block in the folder browser.

3. In the VersaPro _MAIN.blk window, click the Normally Open Contact button on the Ladder Toolbar.

4. Move your cursor into the ladder diagram. Note that the mouse pointer has a Normally Open Contact symbol as a subscript. Click in the first row and leftmost column in the ladder diagram. A

Normally Open Contact is placed in the grid where the pointer sits, and a gray box surrounds the contact.

5. Without moving the cursor, type Input_1, 1i and press Enter. The editor recognizes that you are typing a variable name and address, shows the name in the ladder diagram, and places the

name and address in the VDT. (1i indicates the address %I00001.)

6. Note that the Normally Open Contact button "sticks." Once it is selected, you will place a contact in every time you click in the diagram. Cancel the Normally Open Contact selection by

pressing the Escape key.

7. Click the cursor to the right of the Input_1 contact and type nocon (for Normally Open Contact). Since there is no element in the current space, a progressive search is performed to find the

element you want as you type. Press Enter.

Note: You can drag and drop a variable from the VDT to an element in the logic editor if the function does

not have a variable assigned to the parameter. Steps 8 and 9 use this alternate means of assigning a variable

name to an element.

8. In the VDT, type the Name, Type, Len, and Address as shown in the figure below. (You can type in the bottom, empty row or choose Insert Row from the context-sensitive menu.)

9. Select the name Input_2 and drag it to the contact that you created in step 7.

10. Choose the Normally Open Coil from the Ladder Toolbar.

11. Place the coil in the diagram a few spaces away and to the right of the second contact.

12. Type Output_1, 1q and press Enter. A variable named Output_1 with a reference address of %Q00001 will be created in the VDT. Press Escape.

13. Use point-to-point wiring to connect the contacts and the coil. Do this by placing the pointer on the right side of the second contact, then right click, hold, and drag to draw a connection

from the contact to the right side of the coil. (The cursor changes to a hand with a pencil.)

Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009

automation ladder diagram basic knowledge

Build a simple ladder diagram.
Enter the following simple rung in the Ladder Diagram editor by selecting each ladder component from the tool bar and placing it in the Editor window. To enter the contact variable, select the normal pointer (press escape), double click above the contact, and choose T_100MS from the list box. To enter the coil reference address, double click the coil and type 1q. T_100MS %Q00001

Edit a variable name.
In the Variable Declaration Table, type in a name and description for %Q00001. The name may be up to 32characters in length, and the description may contain up to 64 characters. The workspace on your desktop should now be similar to the one pictured on page 5. VersaPro PLC Programming Software Familiarization Lab October 2000

Importing Files
One of the first tasks you might undertake is to import a program developed using one of GE Fanuc’s earlier PLC programmer products, Logicmaster or Control. (VersaPro also provides the ability to import variables created in other applications such as CIMPLICITY HMI, Logicmaster, Control, or tools like Excel or Access.) To accomplish the tasks in this lesson, you will need syntactically correct Control and Logicmaster folders and Excel. The tasks are independent of each other – if you skip one, you will still be able to do the others.

Import a Logicmaster folder.
Series 90-70, Series 90-30, and Series 90 Micro folders can be imported from Logicmaster.
1. Select File, New Folder.
2. You will be prompted to close and save your existing open folder. (Only one folder can be open at a time.) Click Yes.
3. The New Folder Wizard will appear. Type a name of your choice for the folder. If you want to put the new folder in a directory different from that specified in the Location field, click the browse button next to the Location field to select the folder path.
4. Click the Next button.
5. On the next screen, choose Import Logicmaster 90. In the From field, use the browse button to locate a Logicmaster folder.
6. Click Finish. The New Folder Wizard closes, and VersaPro attempts to complete the import process. Details of the import process are logged in the Information Window.
7. Spend a few minutes reviewing this folder. Note that all nicknames are imported and that all comments retain their original format. See how different instructions look in the VersaPro ladder diagram editor. You can use the function toolbar to create new logic. VersaPro PLC Programming Software Familiarization Lab October 2000

Import a Control software folder.
You can import VersaMax (.F2K), Series 90-30 (.F3X), and Series 90-70 (.EF7) folders from Control.
Note: When importing a Control folder, variables must first be exported from the Control folder in shared name file (SNF) format, if you want to import the variables.
1. Create an SNF File.
a. If you do not already have an .snf file containing variable information, open a folder in Control
software and use the Export feature from the Variable Declaration Table to create an .snf file.
b. Close Control before you proceed.
2. Create a new folder in VersaPro.
a. Select File, New Folder.
b. You will be prompted to close your existing open folder. (Only one folder can be open at a time.)
c. The New Folder Wizard will appear. Create a new folder with a new name. If you want to put the new folder in a directory different from that specified in the Location field, click the browse
button next to the Location field to select the folder path.
d. Click the Next button.
e. Choose Import Control on the next screen. In the From field, use the browser button to locate a Control folder.
f. Select the Include SNF checkbox, then click the Browse button and, in the Browse dialog box that appears, locate the SNF file that is associated with the Control file to be imported. (This field is optional.)
g. Click OK to begin the Import process.
h. Spend a few minutes reviewing this folder. Note that all nicknames are imported. Also, note that Comment contents are not imported. See how different instructions look in the VersaPro ladder diagram editor. You can use the function toolbar to create new logic.
3. Import a Shared Name File.
a. In the folder you just created, select any cell in the Variable Declaration Table. Select Tools,
Import Variables.
b. Locate the Shared Name File (filename extension .snf) on your computer. A browser window will open.
c. Click Open to import the file. If the file being imported contains variables that conflict (same
name and scope) with those in the VersaPro folder, the Variable Resolution dialog box will
appear. If this happens, you can simply click OK to accept the default settings, or press F1 to get
more information about the Variable Resolution settings.
d. The results of the Import process will be logged in the Information Window. Verify that the
variables you imported appear in the Variable Declaration Table.

Hardware Configuration Ge Fanuc PLc for control automation

The Stand Alone Hardware Configuration (HWC) features a Parameter Editor window that allows you to configure module parameters in either a tabbed or spreadsheet view. HWC supports Series 90-30, Series 90-70, VersaMax modular, VersaMax Nano/Micro, and Series 90 Micro rack systems. Become familiar with the Standalone Hardware Configuration tool.
1. Create a new folder and name it Lab_2.
2. Start HWC by double clicking Hardware Configuration in the Folder Browser or clicking the Open Hardware Configuration button in the View toolbar. You will see a screen similar to the one shown
3. The Log View, Power Consumption, and Reference View windows are dockable (they can be set to a fixed location in the Workspace). Move the windows to a position you are comfortable with.
Note: Docking is selected by default. To turn docking on or off, select Allow Docking from the contextsensitive menu.
4. Toggle the Reference View , Log View , and Power Consumption View windows off and on
by clicking the buttons on the toolbar.

Change the hardware configuration type.
If the Default Hardware Configuration rack (VersaMax by default) is not the type you plan to work with, it can be changed using the following steps:
1. In the HWC window, choose File, Convert To. From the Convert To submenu, select Series 90-30, Series 90-70, VersaMax Nano/Micro, or Series 90 Micro. The current system type will be grayed out.
2. Note that when you change the hardware type, the module configurations associated with the previous type will be lost.
3. Change the system back to VersaMax by selecting File, Convert To, VersaMax.
Note: The Default Hardware Configuration setting in VersaPro's Options dialog box determines the default PLC type for a new folder. (The initial setting is VersaMax.) To change the Default Hardware Configuration setting, go to the VersaPro window and select Tools, Options. On the General tab, change the Default Hardware Configuration to the type that you will be using. The next new folder that you create will use the new default hardware setting.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

create folder in Versapro programming from Ge Fanuc

Opening VersaPro 1.x created folders
When opening VersaPro 1.x folders, the following dialog will be presented asking if you want to re-check the folder. The purpose of the re-check is to flag any syntax errors that were not being caught by 1.x versions and to update the folder to support the new functionality provided in VersaPro 2.0x. It is recommended that you select Yes, perform a check all on the folder and correct any syntax errors. After going through this process, the message will not be presented the next time the folder is opened. To avoid inequality issues with the PLC, it is recommended that you open hardware configuration, save it in the new format and store your logic to the PLC. These operations are required because new functionality has been added to the VersaPro 2.0x f olders. However, the program and configuration are functionally equivalent to what was previously stored to the PLC using VersaPro 1.x. If you open a folder created in a previous version of VersaPro, select Yes to the message below and re-check it, you will not be able to reopen the folder in the VersaPro build it was created in. Selecting No will not force you to re-check the folder or correct any syntax errors. In addition, you will be able to gain equality with the PLC and monitor existing logic. However, the dialog shown below will appear each time the folder is opened and the logic portion of the folder will be in a read only state and will allow only limited operations.

Logicmaster 90-70 Folder Import Procedures
If you have a Logicmaster 90-70 folder created before Release 6 of Logicmaster, you should use the following procedure to import your Logicmaster folders into VersaPro:
1. Open Logicmaster 90-70 Release 6 or greater.
2. Press F1 to enter programming mode and select any folder.
3. Press F8 (Program Folder Functions) and then F1 (Select/Create a Program Folder).
4. Select the folder to be imported into VersaPro followed by Ctrl-T. You will see a message “Converting old logic files to new format, please wait ...” followed by “File conversion complete; press any key to continue”.
5. In VersaPro, create a new folder based on the Logicmaster folder.
6. For some 90-70 CPUs, you will need to update the hardware configuration before it will store correctly to the PLC ("Store Error. 0x05C0 - Bad OMF record checksum in store"). You can update the hardware configuration by opening hardware configuration, adding any module to an empty slot, deleting the module and then saving hardware configuration. The
folder should then store without error (CR75804).
7. In some cases, the folder will still not convert completely because the declaration file, symbol table, hardware configuration, data tables or C Blocks have not been updated to the LM90-70 Release 6 format. The Ctrl-T operation in Logicmaster will only update the logic files.
a. If the declaration file is not imported as indicated by the following message in the VersaPro information window “Unable to import declarations file,” you should open the folder with Logicmaster, add a rung with just a coil, and type %Q, which will then force the value to be the next highest used. Then delete the rung. This will force the declaration file to be recompiled in the LM9070 Release 6 or greater format.
b. If the symbol table is not imported into VersaPro indicated by a message “Failure to read block_name.ste,” then you should open the folder with Logicmaster 90-70 Release 6 or greater, add a variable to the variable declaration area of the block that will not import and then delete the variable to force Logicmaster to recompile the symbol table in the new format.
c. If you receive an error message “Invalid iocfg.cfg file; Please select valid iocfg.cfg,” you should open the folder in Logicmaster 90-70 Config package and edit one of the configuration items by changing it to another value and then back to the original value.
d. If your folder has C blocks and the folder was created before LM9070 Release 6, you will need to re-import the C blocks into Logicmaster 90-70 Release 6 or greater before importing the folder into VersaPro. The Ctrl-T operation does not update C blocks.
e. If you receive an error stating that a data table could not be converted (Error: Unable to import initial value files), you should use the following procedure to ensure the data tables are converted to LM9070 Release 6 formats or greater.
i) Go to Logicmaster 90-70, select the folder and press F2 to go to the data tables.
ii) You will first see the %I table. Change the value at %I00001 and then back to its original value. Press “*” on the number key pad twice to update the override tables.
iii) Type %Q to see the %Q table. Change the value at %Q00001 and then back to its original value. Press “*” on the number key pad twice to update the override tables.
iv) Type %M to see the %M table. Change the value at %M00001 and then back to its original value. Press “*” on the number key pad twice to update the override tables.
v) Type %AI to see the %AI table. Change the value at %AI00001 and then back to its original value.
vi) Type %AQ to see the %AQ table. Change the value at %AQ00001 and then back to its original value.
vii) Type %R to see the %R table. Change the value at %R00001 and then back to its original value.
viii) Type ALT-U to update the files on disk.
8. After the conversion process, VersaPro may create many variables that are not used in logic. These variables were created to hold either stored values, override states or retentive states. With a large number of variables, VersaPro’s performance can be impacted. Unless your application specifically needs the stored values, override state or retentive states for these variables (not used in logic), it is recommended that you select FolderFind Unused Variables (this may take some time), enter the delete key to delete these variables and then select FolderCompact.

Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Working With Blocks in VersaMax versapro programming from Ge fanuc

The Series 90-30 and VersaMax PLCs support multiple blocks per folder (the total umber of blocks vary, depending on the PLC configured). All PLCs require that ne of the blocks is _MAIN. This block is automatically created when you create a ew folder. This chapter describes how to work with blocks using VersaPro Programming Software.
Chapter Contents
· How to create and open blocks and objects
· How to manage blocks and related components in the folder browser
· How to work with variables associated with folder components.
· How to convert blocks between IL and LD

Creating, Inserting and Opening Blocks
VersaPro allows you to use multiple blocks per folder, one of which must always be a _MAIN block. A name is always required in order for a block to be created. Note that each PLC model has a different limit for the number of blocks, excluding _MAIN, that can be created in a folder. (Series 90 Micro supports only a _MAIN block.) More than one block can be open at once. Once a block has been created, it can be called from within the _MAIN or any other block. You can also call a block that does not yet exist, but that you intend to create. When you compile, a syntax error appears, reminding you that the new block has not been defined.

Creating a Subroutine
1. With a folder open, choose New from the File or Context-Sensitive menu. From the Subroutine submenu, select Ladder or Instruction List. (You can also create a Ladder subroutine by clicking the New Block button on the toolbar. The Create New Ladder Diagram or Create New Instruction List dialog box appears.
2. On the Basic Properties tab, enter a unique name for the new block. Restrictions on name entries. If you are creating a timed interrupt block for a 90-30 PLC, the block name must on form to the requirements for Timed Interrupt.
3. If you wish, enter a description for the block.
4. To assign Interrupt parameters to the block, select the Schedule tab. Double click under the Type column to select I/O Interrupt or Timed Interrupt. For details about the interrupt parameters, click the dialog box Help button.

Note: For a 90-30 timed interrupt block, the block name determines the time base, delay, and time interval parameters. If you change these values, an error message will appear when you try to close the dialog.
5. To place restrictions on editing or viewing the block, select the Lock tab.
6. Click OK. A new block is created. If the Folder Browser is open and a block is selected, the block is added to the Folder Browser above the currently selected item. If the Folder Browser is closed, or the Folder node, Hardware Configuration, or VDT in the browser is selected, the block is added at the end of the browser.

Creating an External C Block
Note: The C executable file must be created using the C Programmer’s Toolkit for Series 90 PLCs. Also, it must be created specifically for the target PLC (90-70 or high-end 90-30). 90-30 C blocks do not use input/output parameters.
1. With a folder open, choose New, External from the File or Context-Sensitive menu. The Create New C Block dialog box appears.
2. On the Basic Properties tab, enter a unique name for the new block. Restrictions on name entries.
3. If you wish, enter a description for the block. Restrictions on Descriptions..
4. To associate a C executable file (.exe) to the block, select the C Binary tab. To locate the C program that you want to use, click the browser button next to the Update Using field.
5. To assign Interrupt parameters to the block, select the Schedule tab. Double click under the Type column to select I/O Interrupt or Timed Interrupt. For details about the interrupt parameters, click the dialog box Help button. (A C block can have either Interrupt parameters or Input/Output parameters, not both.)
6. To assign Input/Output parameters to the block, select the Parameters tab. Up to seven parameter pairs can be assigned to an external C block for 90-70.
7. Click OK. A new block is created. If the Folder Browser is open and a block is selected, the block is added to the Folder Browser above the currently selected item. If the Folder Browser is closed, or the Folder node, Hardware Configuration, or VDT in the browser is selected, the block is added at the end of the browser.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

Versapro programming from Ge Fanuc

Versapro Overview
GE Fanuc's Windows Ò-based programming software for the Series 90ä-30 and VersaMaxä PLCs. VersaPro is designed to install and run under Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT Ò4.0 SP5 onwards, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. With VersaPro, you can: Create PLC logic and information associated with that logic in a folder
· Configure PLC Hardware
· Create and edit variables
· Create, edit, and monitor the execution of Ladder or Instruction List logic
· Create Motion, Local Logic and Cam programs for the 90-30 DSM314 Motion module Chapter Contents
· Overview of the VersaPro Programming Software components
· The Workbench Window
· Configuring Workbench Options (setting editor and target hardware)

Installing VersaPro Software
Note: VersaPro must be installed on a hard drive in your computer. Do not attempt to install VersaPro on removable media such as Jaz® or Zip® drives.
1. It is recommended that you close all applications including virus checking, Internet
Explorer,and CIMPLICITY HMI software that might be running in the background. You may
need to check the task manager to determine if other applications are running.
2. Put the VersaPro CD in the CD-ROM Drive.
3. Select the CD drive from Windows Explorer.
4. Double click Setup.exe
5. Follow the user prompts to complete the installation. If you have a previous version of VersaPro installed, the installation tool will first uninstall the previous version. During this uninstall process, you may be asked whether you would like remove shared files. It is recommended that you always answer “No to All” to ensure that no files are deleted that might be needed by another application. Note: When you upgrade from VersaPro Version 1.0x or VersaPro 1.1x to 1.50, your user screen settings and the directory location for program files will be lost. You will need to re-establish these settings after completing the upgrade. Note: For procedures to transfer your VersaPro license to another computer, refer to Appendix C.

Starting VersaPro Software
The VersaPro application is installed in the GE Fanuc Software Program group. The application can be started by selecting Start->Programs->GE Fanuc Software->VersaPro. It is also possible to create a shortcut to the VersaPro application and place the shortcut on the desktop, or to click on a file created by VersaPro (the file in the VersaPro folder with a .fld extension), and start the application in the context of the selected folder. VersaPro may also be started using CTRL-ALT V.
GFK-1670D Chapter 1 Introduction 1-3
1 Multiple Instances of VersaPro
· If you are using a serial connection, only one instance of VersaPro can be connected to the PLC. You can have multiple offline (not connected to the PLC) instances.
· If you are connecting to the PLC via Ethernet, you can have only one instance of VersaPro. Using VersaPro – Overview VersaPro provides a single programming interface to configure your PLC hardware, create and edit PLC logic, and monitor the execution of the PLC program. Component Description Folder Browser Displays a tree-like structure that provides an overview of the current folder Hardware Configuration VersaPro's default hardware platform is the VersaMax PLC. You can change the hardware platform to create programs and hardware configuration for all Series 90-30, VersaMax, and Series 90 Micro PLCs. Logic Editors There are two editors for creating PLC logic: the Instruction List Editor and the Ladder Diagram Editor. You can convert programs and blocks from IL to RLD. Motion Editors A Motion editor and a Local Logic editor are provided for creating local logic and Motion programs for the Motion Mate DSM314 motion control module. A Cam editor has been added to VersaPro 1.5. If the Cam editor is installed, it can also be used with DSM314 release 2.0. Syntax Checking VersaPro provides a tool to check that your program is syntactically valid before storing to the PLC. PLC Communications VersaPro supports serial and Ethernet connections to the Series 90-30 and VersaMax PLCs.

Online Monitoring
Online monitoring and control is supported in logic editors and Reference View Tables and Variable View Tables. Fault System The fault system provides quick connection to view PLC and I/O fault tables in the PLC.

Information Window
The Information window displays the results of actions performed in VersaPro. The following abbreviations are used in VersaPro: Abbreviation Component
IL Instruction List
RLD Relay Ladder Diagram
RVT Reference View Table
VDT Variable Declaration Table
VVT Variable View Table
LL Local Logic
LLVT Local Logic Variable Table

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

PCI-85 Modbus Plus Interface Adapter Kit

The PCI Modbus Plus Communications Adapter mounts in a single PCI slot of an IBM PC or compatible Personal Computer. The PCI-85 card links your computer to a Modbus Plus network allowing computer based applications to exchange data with Schneider Programmable Logic Controllers and with
other devices on the network.

Key features and benefits
Key features and benefits include:
• Faster performance
• The MB+ solution for PCs without ISA slots
• Fast installation & better compatibility (as Plug and Play supported)
• New MB+ Driver Suite CD included.
• Supports Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0, Windows 2000.
• High availability (i.e. dual cable) version available.

Sabtu, 31 Januari 2009

Modbus Plus Applications

Modbus Plus Applications
Modbus Plus is a local area network system for industrial control applications. Networked devices can exchange messages for the control and monitoring of processes at remote locations in the industrial plant. Modicon products supporting Modbus Plus communication include programmable controllers and network adapters. The network is also supported by a variety of products from other manufacturers.
Each Modicon controller can connect to Modbus Plus directly from a port on its front panel. Additional networks can be accessed through Network Option Modules (NOMs) installed in the common backplane. The network also provides an efficient means for servicing input/output subsystems. Modicon Modbus Plus Distributed I/O (DIO) Drop Adapters
and Terminal Block I/O (TIO) modules can be placed at remote I/O sites
to allow the application to control field devices over the network link.

Extending the Network
Each network supports up to 64 addressable node devices. Up to 32 nodes can connect directly to the network cable over a length of 1500 ft (450 meters). Repeaters can extend the cable distance to its maximum of 6000 ft (1800 meters) and the node count to its maximum of 64. Fiber optic repeaters are available for longer distances.

Bridging Networks
Multiple networks can be joined through Bridge Plus devices. Messages originated on one network are routed through one or more bridges to a destination on another network.Bridgesare applicable to networks in which fully deterministic timing of I/O processes is not a requirement.In a network requiring deterministic I/O timing, messages for DIO/TIO nodes are passed on that network only, and do not pass through bridges. Modbus and custom RS232/RS485 serial devices can access Modbus Plus through Bridge Multiplexers. Each Bridge Multiplexer provides four configurable serial ports. A serial device can communicate with Modbus Plus networked devices, as well as with other devices at the serial ports.

A programming device can be connected to the tap to facilitate monitoring and
maintenance of the devices installed on the network. For more information on
programming, refer to Modbus Plus Network Planning and Installation Guide (890
USE 100 00). The tap has a connector port for that purpose, located on the front
cover. The RJ-45 programming port is for programming purposes only, and is
not intended as a permanent connection.
A programming cable is available separately from Schneider Automation by
ordering part number 990 NAA 215 10. It is not included with the tap package.

Network address
Before you connect or disconnect any device on an active network, you must be
aware of its effect on the communication between your existing devices. Any new
device’s network address must be different from all the other addresses. In addition,
the network communication may be disrupted for up to 15 seconds while the network
reconfigures upon connecting or removing the device. Contact your network
administrator to make sure that your application will not be affected.
Panel Mount
Loosen the tap’s two cover screws, and remove the protective front cover. This will
expose the two mounting holes inside the tap base. Position product, and mark two
holes with a pencil on the panel surface at the planned location for mounting the tap.
Remove product to avoid chip contamination, and then drill the holes in the panel
The tap body has two through holes of 0.197 in (5 mm) diameter suitable for a #8
Mount the tap to the panel with two #8 screws. Reinstall the tap cover.

Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Variable Programming from GE Fanuc

What is Variable Programming?
In Control, a variable must be created for every contact or coil reference and for every function block parameter. In variable programming, a variable is defined to communicate information about the data it represents:
· Name: The name you assign to the variable. Defines the physical location of the variable. The address can be set in one of three ways:
· The address may be set to a reference address, referencing PLC data types supported by the PLC.
· The address may be left blank, allowing the software to locate the variable when the program is compiled.
· The address may contain the name of an existing variable. For example, if you want a new variable, Pump_1, to use the same address as an existing variable, Main_Pump, – set the address field to Main_Pump.
Note: If the variable name you want to reference is an array, you must provide a subscript for the variable. For example, Warehouse_Data[1] will locate the new variable at address of the first location for Warehouse_Data.
· Type: Defines the data type for the variable. Common data types include BOOL, BYTE, WORD, INT, DWORD, DINT, REAL, UINT. All variables must have a type defined. The data type determines how the variable is used in the program: as a discrete reference, as a signed or unsigned integer, etc.
· Len: Specifies the length of the variable. The length is defined in units based on the data type. For example, a Boolean variable (Type BOOL) with length of 8 causes the program to allocate 8 bits for the variable, whereas a double-precision integer variable (Type DWORD) with a length of 8 causes the program to allocate 256 bits for the variable (eight 32-bit integer values). 4· Address: Defines the physical location of the variable. The address can be set in one of three ways:
· The address may be set to a reference address, referencing PLC data types supported by the PLC.
· The address may be left blank, allowing the software to locate the variable when the program is compiled. (This is the Auto Variable Locate feature.)
· The address may contain the name of an existing variable. For example, if you want a new variable, Pump_1, to use the same address as an existing variable, Main_Pump, – set the address field to Main_Pump.
Note: If the variable name you want to reference is an array, you must provide a subscript for the variable. For example, Warehouse_Data[1] will locate the new variable at address of the first location for Warehouse_Data.
· Scope: Specifies the level in the programming hierarchy where the variable is defined. There are three scopes for variables: Configuration, Program, or Local. Variables can be defined as you enter program logic or can be defined before you begin writing your program. Other optional fields can be completed to further express how the variable is used by the program.

Counter, Pulse Width Modulation, and Pulse Train GE Fanuc

Counter, Pulse Width Modulation, and Pulse Train Output

To configure the High Speed Counter, Pulse Width Modulation, and/or Pulse Train Output

functions, go to the Edit menu and select Module Operations, Configure Parameters, HSC/PWM/PTO. You can also choose Configure Parameters, HSC/PWM/PTO from the context-sensitive menu. A Parameter Editor window similar to the one shown below will
appear (Nano PLCs have only three counter tabs.) For details on configuring these functions, choose Module Help from the Help menu.

Minggu, 25 Januari 2009

Dust Colector

Principle of Operation
As dust laden air passes through the fabric filter bags dust is collected on the
outside of each filter. The collected dust accumulates to form a filter cake, which
also filters the dust laden air. The clean air flows upward inside each filter into the
clean air plenum, and then out of the dust collector.Each row of filter bags is cleaned at timed intervals during operation. A pulse of
compressed air is directed through a venturi down inside each filter bag. This
induces a clean air flow which briefly inflates the filter bag, stopping the flow of
dust laden air and dislodging the surface layer of the filter cake. The dislodged dust
drops into the hopper for discharge.

Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

USB to Serial GE fanuc

USB to Serial Adapter
It is recommended to use an USB to Serial Adapter manufactured by D-Link System, Inc., California (Model number – DSS25) to connect to a PLC through the USB port. This adapter will work only on Windows 98/ME/2000 Operating systems.
Other Significant Issues
1. Folder is corrupted when doing load with 50 subroutines from 90-30 Release 9.10/10.0 VersaMax PLCs 1.5 and earlier with Ethernet connection. Details: When using an Ethernet connection with VersaPro 1.11, if you store a program with a _MAIN and 50 subroutines to a 90-30 Release 9.10/10.0 or VersaMax PLC Release 1.5 and earlier, the store will complete correctly without error. If you do a verify, VersaPro says everything is EQUAL. If you load the program back from the PLC into a temp folder, the last subroutine (SUB50) comes back with no name. During the load there is an error message stating that blk.blk could not be found. In the folder browser VersaPro shows an -LD only block.In VersaPro Release 2.0x the store is successful, but during the verify it says SUB50 is not in the PLC, and all the
subroutines come as NOT EQUAL. On a CPU352 using a serial connection, the symptom is that communications times out during a verify or load. (CR75074) Resolution: If you add a subroutine (SUB51) with one rung of logic or delete a subroutine, store to PLC and then load, the problem goes away in both VersaPro 1.11 and 1.50. The problem is resolved in the 90-30 Release 10.5 and VersaMax Release 2. Please upgrade your firmware to these versions. 2 A Stop Fault error is displayed when a VersaPro 1.x or 2.0x folder having ACC300 Input simulator configured is stored to PLC with the Internal switch on the module in 8 pt mode. Resolution: After opening the folder in VersaPro 2.0x, you have to delete the existing ACC300 module in the hardware configuration and configure the module again. Note that the value of the reference length selected (8 or 16) should match the 8 pt or 16 pt switch setting on the rear of the module.
3. Hardware configuration of VersaPro 1.x and 2.0 folders should be reconfigured in VersaPro 2.0x if the Hardware Configuration Data View displays incorrect Rack and Slot locations Details:
1. Open the VersaPro 1.x or 2.0 folder in VersaPro 2.0x.
2. Launch HWC and open the Hardware Configuration Data View from the Tools menu. 18 Important Product Information GFK-1671P
3. Click on the I/O Config tab and check whether the Rack and Slot entries for all the Segments match their actual location of the modules in the Rack. Resolution: If the Rack and Slot entries do not match, delete and reconfigure the modules. The Rack and Slot entries will now match their actual location of the modules in the Rack.
4. Configuring communication timeouts for use with EZ program store device.
Two timeouts parameters must be configured when the EZ program store device is used. One associated with the hardware port and another global timeout. Both must be configured to the maximum value 63,000 and the global parameter must be set before the port. Select tools in the drop down menu and select Communication Setup. Select the global parameters tab then click the edit button and set the connect and request timeouts to 63000. Next, select the ports tab and choose the port you are using from
the list and push the edit button. The edit port dialog box appears, click the Advanced button and configure the connect and request timeouts to 63000.
5. Store process aborts when reference addresses exceeds limits
While storing to PLC, if the reference addresses configured for variables exceeds the limits, then the store process get aborted before the actual transfer of data to PLC begins. Though, the error dialog says that store is not completed, the Store process has not actually started.
6. Mfc42.dll error comes up while launching VersaPro
Resolution: If you get this error while opening VersaPro then performing following steps will resolve the problem.
 Un-install VersaPro from control panel.
 Delete VersaPro keys out of Registry.
Run regedit... then delete
HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > GE Fanuc Automation > VersaPro -ANDHKEY_
LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > GE Fanuc Automation > VersaPro
 Install VersaPro
7. VERSAPRO on Windows 2000 Professional - Gets error message not licensed – When logged in as non-
Resolution: If you get this error while opening VersaPro when logged in as non-administrator then performing following
steps will resolve the problem.
 Right click the C:\WINNT folder, go to "Property", then the "Security" tab
 Give the "Users" and "System" Account Full access, then make certain that the C:\WinNT\Versapro.exe has the same
security permissions.
 Now, log in as a Non-administrator and you should now be able to run VersaPro.